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Disturb3DD3vil Productions and RSC Pictures was originally thought of in 2010, but at the time what we wanted to do was completely out of the scope of what we were able to do from a writing and producing standpoint. Since then, new experiences and desire for challenges has brought Disturb3dD3vil Productions and RSC Pictures back in the forefront and our first title, "Rule #7: The Regulars" will be our stab at the digital short film with a lot of comedy and adventure places inside the confines on a small local bar.

We are extremely excited to be bringing this vision to life and we hope you enjoy it as well. The title is currently slated for late 2013 with Pre-Production already underway with the first draft of the script complete. Our goal is to bring our imagination into reality, one film at a time. Enjoy!

Take Care,
Disturb3DD3vil Productions and RSC Pictures Team



Disturb3dd3vil© 2010 and RSC Pictures© 2010 | All Rights Reserved | Email: randycresswell@disturbeddevil.com